Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bill Maher

I'm sure many of you have noticed that I do not update this blog very often. I feel ashamed at my inability to keep an interest in things for longer than a few months. So, I've decided to revisit this political blog that I tried to start up a year ago. If I can manage to blog about sex twice a week then I should be able to blog about things of real importance. That being said, I recently realized that Bill Maher is a genious. Too bad no one seems to really listen to him. President Obama please pay attention, thank you.

"When it's something for us personally, like a laxative, it has to start working now. My TV remote has a button on it now called "On Demand". You get your ass on my TV screen right now, Jon Cryer, and make me laugh. Now! But when it's something for the survival of the species as a whole, we phase that in slowly.

Folks, we don't need more efficient cars. We need something to replace cars. That's what's wrong with these piddly, too-little-too-late half-measures that pass for "reform" these days. They're not reform, they're just putting off actually solving anything to a later day, when we might by some miracle have, a) leaders with balls, and b) a general populace who can think again. Barack Obama has said, "If we were starting from scratch, then a single-payer system would probably make sense." So let's start from scratch." ~Bill Maher